5 ways to save money on motorcycle insurance

For some people in Pembroke Pines, FL their motorcycle insurance premium is a major expense.  Of course, it’s also something that you don’t want to cut back on.  A good motorcycle insurance policy can protect you and your other passengers in the event of an accident, but only if you have the right kind of coverage.  Rather than cut back on your level of coverage, try these strategies to save on your premiums.

  1. Shop around.  If you think you’re paying too much in premiums, call the agents at McCormick Insurance Inc.  They have years of experience in finding discounts so that you can get a motorcycle insurance policy that fits into your budget.
  2. Ask about how to qualify for discounts.  Sometimes simple things, such as housing your motorcycle in a garage at night, can qualify you for significant savings on your premiums.  Also ask about safety and security features that you have or could easily have installed.  Sometimes just wearing a helmet can help to reduce your premium
  3. Consider a higher premium.  While this will require you to have more money in savings, it might be a good idea if you’re able to do a lot of smaller work on your bike.  If you can make small repairs yourself, then you just need to rely on insurance for the big stuff.
  4. Combine your policy with your auto policy.  If you can combine these policies together, you may be able to qualify for some large discounts.
  5. Be careful.  A clean driving record is the best way to save money on your motorcycle insurance.  If you’ve made some mistakes, be careful going forward.  After a few months, you’ll start to see your premiums drop.