Compare Homeowners Insurance Rates in Florida

Have you ever wondered why you are paying more for your homeowners insurance than your neighbor who has the exact same model house? It could be that he does not have the same amount of coverage as you, or it might be because he has installed a burglar alarm system. In all probability, your neighbor may be receiving lower homeowners rates than you because he chose a different insurance carrier.

We are here to help you get the most affordable coverage for your home. While we can not guarantee that we will be able to get you lower rates than your neighbor, we can guarantee to work hard to find the best rates for you. How do we do that?

Homeowners insurance rates are regulated, but not set by the Florida Insurance Commission and specific Florida laws. Legislation has been written and bills have been enacted into law to protect consumers from big insurance companies. Without regulation, Florida home insurance rates could skyrocket. While insurance statutes do set boundaries on how much an insurer can charge, there is still a great deal of room for insurers to set their own rates.

We make it possible for you to find the lowest rates by running live comparative quotes right here on our website. Unlike some insurance companies that offer free quotes, you don’t have to fill out a long form and then wait for someone to contact you and tell you what your rate will be. You will see the actual dollar amount in real-time. When you get your quotes through our website, it is a snap to do side-by-side comparisons of two competing insurance companies. When you can compare all of the different homeowners insurance rates, in an easy-to-understand format, it is not hard to pick-out the lowest-priced policy.