Does Home Insurance Cover Roof Damage from Wind in Miramar, FL?

When you pick up home insurance, you need to understand exactly what type of coverage that you have. You typically need to pick up home insurance during the home financing process, as the bank wants to cover their interest in the property that you’re buying. If you end up getting into a situation where the damage to the house is enough to cause a total loss, and you don’t have insurance, the bank ends up losing out on an asset.

Whether wind based roof damage is covered in Miramar, FL depends on the details in the policy. Many common nature related issues are covered in homeowners insurance, but you always run the risk of the insurance company refusing to cover a specific incident. This is particularly true in Florida, where you have to see if the wind damage is caused by high winds or hurricane winds. Hurricane prone areas need hurricane specific coverage, and if the insurance company thinks that you’re making a claim based on hurricane winds instead of standard storm winds, you may end up having a major issue with your claim.

A roof is incredibly expensive to replace, and putting off repairs can end up causing irreparable damage to the rest of the house as the water drips in and the humidity causes mold in the house.

Talk to us to find out whether your existing or future homeowners insurance covers wind damage to your roof in Miramar, FL. It’s the last thing you want to figure out after the damage has occurred, so make sure that you’re on the same page with your insurance company.