Inland Marine Insurance Coverage in Pembroke Pines, FL

If you’ve got a lot of particularly valuable items to protect and insure, from art to jewelry or high-end electronic equipment, you might just need an inland marine policy. And that doesn’t mean you have to live close to the water.

What is Inland Marine Insurance?

The term "inland marine" coverage is a bit of a misnomer, born during the earlier days of the country when individuals needed to insure transportable goods and cargo (which were most often shipped by sea). Today, it’s more an independent category of property insurance, though it still goes by the old-school "inland marine" name.

What exactly does it cover?

According to the National Marine Definition, which was created in 1933 and updated in 1976, an inland marine policy includes primary the following:

  • shipments of domestic goods
  • bridges, tunnels, and other transportation devices
  • personal and/or commercial property floater risks

What does that mean FL homeowners?

As a resident of Pembroke Pines, FL (or just about anywhere else), you can purchase an inland marine policy as an extension of your home property insurance. It covers particular items you own, whether they’re valuable collections of art, jewelry, or something else, against all risks, including theft, weather damage, vandalism, and just about anything else that could damage those items.

To find out more about whether an inland marine policy might be a smart choice to protect your investment, take the time to call or stop by. We’ll be able to talk to you about your questions and your specific situation to help make sure those items are covered, whether that means adding additional coverage to your home insurance or purchasing an add-on inland marine insurance policy separately.