Getting Life Insurance? Avoid These Costly Mistakes

Life insurance can give your family the financial security they need to carry on upon your demise. Choosing the right life insurance coverage is key to giving your family the protection they need. By discussing life insurance options with an agent from McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL, you can avoid costly mistakes in your coverage. Here are some common mistakes people make when selecting life insurance policies:  

Not Shopping Around

To get quality coverage at reasonable costs, you need to shop around and compare what different insurers have to offer. Research your options with reputable insurers in your area to get a good idea of what’s available within your budget.

Selecting the Wrong Policy

Make sure you understand the difference between term life and permanent life policies. Term life insurance is purchased for a specific time period such as 10, 20 or 30 years. If you pass during that time period, your family receives death benefits according to your policy. Permanent life insurance lasts your entire life and accrues cash value as time goes by. When selecting a policy, consider what you want from your investment, taking into consideration policy costs.    

Getting Insufficient Coverage

Many people skimp on coverage to reduce life insurance costs. Skimping on coverage could result in insufficient protection for your family. When calculating coverage, consider such factors as your debts, assets, income, health, life and financial needs of your family. Make sure the amount of coverage is sufficient to provide the financial security your family needs.

Not Buying Early Enough  

Life insurance is cheaper when purchased at a young age. The older you get, the higher the policies cost. As you age, you may come down with a serious health condition that also increases life insurance costs.

For quality life insurance coverage at affordable costs, contact McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL.

Can You Insure a Non-Traditional Home on a Home Insurance Policy?

When it comes to insuring a home there are some stipulations that do need to be met in order to be able to add a residence to the policy. The main issue is, of course, the zoning of the property in question. For those that live in the Pembroke, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you to find the best home policy, no matter what type of home you live in.

For the most part, a home is a place where people live and that is on a property that is zoned as residential. This means that a home must be on a piece of land that is zoned for residential use rather than commercial. With any home policy, your agent is going to come to the home to help value it, to determine what sort of policy is going to protect it best, and to tailor the coverage as needed. This is an essential step and with a good insurance agent, you can get your home insured perfectly.

Even homes that are non-traditional like converted spaces that have been made into homes can be insured on home policies. Say you have a grain silo that has been converted into a home, if the property is rezoned residential and space fits all the safety requirements to be considered a home, then you can insure it on a home policy. You will, of course, need an agent to help you to evaluate your home and make sure it fits the requirements to be insured as a home.

For those in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you to insure your home, be it traditional or a little out there.

Driving Safety Tips for Hurricane Season

During hurricane season you have a lot of extra tasks to think about and do. You might need to evacuate your home and purchase extra supplies for weathering the storm. You also need to be prepared for driving conditions that are different from usual. With that in mind, here are some driving safety tips courtesy of McCormick Insurance Inc. serving Pembroke Pines, FL.

Fuel Up

Make sure your vehicle has a full tank of gas well before a storm is expected to arrive. For one thing, this will also you the flexibility of being able to travel out of your area if needed.

Prepare for Traffic

As people run around town doing their hurricane preparation errands and during times that people are evacuating, you can expect heavy traffic and gridlock. Maintain a large enough space between you and the cars around you. Have bottled water, snacks and flashlights in your vehicle at all times.

Stay Off the Road

One of the best safety tips isn’t quite a safety tip, because it involves not driving. Yes, if you can, avoid driving as much as you possibly can. Leave the roads open for people who really have to travel.

Avoid Flooded Areas

With the heavy rains of hurricanes can come floods. Avoid flooded streets at all costs. Turn around, and head for higher land that is dry.

Slow Down

During hurricane season don’t try to be in a hurry while driving. Instead, keep at the speed limit, or even slower if possible.

It doesn’t take much time to learn about and implement these safety tips. And you’ll be glad you did. Remember to use common sense, and be extra cautious and wise during hurricane season.


Safe Riding in Pembroke Pines

It’s riding season in Pembroke Pines, FL. Well, it’s always riding season in Pembroke Pines. Florida’s warm weather and wide open roads make for great motorcycling all year round, but we can’t forget to stay safe out there. It’s good to know that your insurer has you covered in the event of an accident, but it’ best not to get into an accident in the first place. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind on your next adventure:

  • Dress appropriately. Florida gets pretty hot and humid, but there’s no excuse for inadequate attire on a bike. T-shirts, shorts and sandals are great for the beach, but jackets, pants, covered shoes and helmet are a must even for a short ride.
  • Check the weather. The drier the conditions, the safer your ride will be. High humidity immediately following a heavy rain can leave the roads slick with near-invisible water.
  • Stay in practice. Riding motorcycle is not exactly like riding a bicycle. We hone our instincts and abilities through regular riding. If you find yourself having to take some time off, start slow when you’re ready to get back at it. Shorter rides and training courses can help you to get back to the top of your game.
  • Check your bike before every ride. Look for oil spots under the bike, check your tires, test the brakes and keep your mirrors clean.

And always, always ride defensively. The real danger for a motorcyclist is careless drivers, so be ready for anything.

If you’re looking to get covered before your next trip, get in touch with McCormick Insurance Inc. and see what we can do for you.

Why We Call It Inland “Marine” Insurance

Inland marine insurance is one of those terms that can be a little misleading. Inland marine insurance covers a variety of property including property in transit, the property being held by a bailee and mobile medical equipment. The fact is that most inland marine property in Pembroke Pines, FL is actually transported on land.

The name comes from "marine insurance," being insurance used to cover goods that were being shipped across bodies of water. When this property was then transferred to the people who would transport it across the land, the same insurance policies would often apply, being covered by a "marine" policy even though it was being shipped by truck or other land vehicles. So inland marine insurance is a form of marine insurance, but for items on land.

It’s a bit like the term "shipping." Most shipping today involves simple state-to-state, city-to-city transport, and when it doesn’t, it’s more likely that it’s going to be sent on airplanes than on actual ships. Shipping rarely involves actual ships in this day and age, and marine insurance doesn’t always mean shipping across a body of water.

In short: If you’re looking to sign up with McCormick Insurance Inc. for a policy to protect goods being shipped from point A to point B, don’t get confused by the name. Inland marine insurance doesn’t mean your goods will ever see the cargo hold of a ship, it’s just a name.

When shipping, you have a lot on the line, whether you’re going by land, sea or air. You need to make sure you have adequate protection, and that’s why McCormick Insurance Inc. is serving the Pembroke Pines, FL area.

Protecting Your Home On Wheels

As more and more American baby boomers reach retirement age, many are looking forward to enjoying their retirement by going on the road in an RV. The modern RV is not some tiny camper that we used when we were children with the parents on camping trips. These “Homes on Wheels” are luxurious and easily cost as much as a simple tract home in many parts of the country.

Protecting Your RV Investment

It is easy to spend $100,000+ on a luxury motor home with all the modern conveniences. The Hollywood A-list types spend millions on theirs and use them when they are on the movie sets to relax between shooting scenes.

The tricky part about this valuable property is sometimes it is going down the highways and is therefore exposed to all the risks of driving in inclement weather and heavy traffic. Hit a pack of nearly invisible black ice, which forms under a freeway overpass, and you may drive off the road and into the ditch. That can really ruin a person’s day.

Comprehensive RV insurance provides protection for the vehicle, the passengers, and its contents when it is on the road and when it is stationary as well.

Getting an RV Insurance Quote

Work with your agent at McCormick Insurance Inc. serving Pembroke Pines, FL and the nearby communities. Make sure the insurance coverage is adequate by taking an inventory of the RV contents. It is a good idea to videotape them. Save all the receipts for everything that is purchased, which did not come with the original RV sale.

Give copies of all the receipts to your insurance agent, so they can be added up along with the cost of the RV to determine replacement value. Replacement value is the best to use as a guide for the amount of insurance protection because if something is damaged or stolen you will want to get another new one that is similar.

Ask your agent about other insurance options to consider such as emergency road service that will provide additional protection.

To get a quote for RV insurance contact an agent at McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL by calling 954-602-5741.

What is Excess Insurance?

Insurance can be a difficult thing to understand. With new laws and regulations coming out often, it helps to have someone on hand that can help you navigate the world of insurance. For those that live in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you find the policy that is right for you.

So what is excess insurance? In terms of insurance, the excess is the amount that is above and beyond what you have paid in, or the excess costs of the coverage. This means that if you are in an accident and it causes damages to your car but you only have coverage for a specific amount. You will then be required to pay an excess when you file with your insurance. In most cases, excess is not a big issue for all of those individuals that are insured.

The excess may also be referred to as the deductible, or the amount that you are required to pay in order to have a claim payout. This means you are responsible for this amount before an insurance claim can be made and before you can collect any money on the claim. Most insurance companies have deductibles in the range of $500 to $5000 and these amounts are determined by the driver when they take out the policy. It is best to talk with your agent about what a good excess is for you and what a reasonable amount should be so that you can be fully covered and insured.

For those in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you find the polity that works best for you and for your particular circumstances. They can also explain all relevant terms so you better understand your policy.

Does Boat Insurance Cover Contents You Bring on Board?

Boar insurance covers a huge range of things for your boat and makes it safer to boat in general. For those that have a boat, it is important to take the time to find a boat coverage that works for your boat and your particular coverage. For those that live in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. work to find you the coverage you need.

Boat insurance covers a range of things including the contents on your boat. This means that if you have a boat and you have a wreck in it, your contents may be covered on your insurance and you may be able to get a monetary sum for the contents in your boat to make sure that you are going to be able to get your contents replaced. Boat insurance works mainly to cover the boat itself and to help cover the costs of any medical bills that you or your passengers may have as a direct result of the accident.

Most boat policies, like car policies, have some sort of a clause that allows you a sum of money when you are in an accident that you can then use to recover the contents that were damaged. For those that have a boat that is a house boat you may have a specific contents clause were you can name actual items. For those that have a boat, making sure you have a boat policy that is right for your boat and for your particular insurance needs so that you can be sure you have a boat policy that is going to protect your boat if you are in an accident. For those that live in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you get the policy that works for you.

Do You Need Builders & Vacant Risk Insurance?

When it comes to your home, protecting your investment is very important. That is true if you have lived there for years, and true if you are just moving in. However, you may also need to protect your Pembroke Pines, FL area home if you are a builder and the home is under construction, or if your house is going to be sitting vacant during part of the year. McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you choose the right policy for your needs, so you will not have to worry about your home and its level of protection.

Builders Need the Right Property Insurance

As a builder, standard homeowners insurance may not be an option. But there are policies that builders can use in order to ensure they are getting the right coverage and level of protection. While a home is under construction it can be vulnerable in a number of ways. Covering the most common issues that could take place is vital to a builder’s continued success in the process of creating and selling homes.

If Your Home is Vacant, it Needs Different Insurance

Leaving a home vacant for all or part of a year can mean you need to choose a different type of policy. Sometimes homes are at higher risk of a break-in when they are vacant. If there is a plumber of electrical problem, no one will be there to notice it, as well. These kinds of issues can all add up, but the right type of policy will protect the homeowner against vacant risk.

A Trusted Agent Can Help With Your Policy

When you reach out to McCormick Insurance Inc. you can protect your Pembroke Pines, FL area home, whether it is being built or it just needs to sit empty for a while. The right policy not only protects the home, but it gives you peace of mind, as well.

Why Inland Marine Insurance From McCormick Insurance Inc. Will Enhance That River Experience This Summer For Business Owners

With the vast amount of freshwater lakes and rivers in Florida, many business owners can take advantage of the river experience this summer, and protect their products with inland marine insurance. For businesses that require frequent traveling of business equipment, inland marine insurance is essential to protect this traveling equipment in or around the Pembroke Pines, FL. 

What Is Inland Marine Insurance

This type of insurance refers to the moving of business property and cargo. For businesses that require excessive travel, or in the case of the river, taking business aboard the boat to potential customers, there is a need for traveling coverage. Also, some businesses may still have products shipped through cargo boats on these rivers, which would also require coverage. 

Take It To The River

Many residents and visitors in Florida find solace on the rivers, making it a great market for business owners to load their boats. These business owners are carrying out their products for purchase or equipment for services needed. While out on the water, your business equipment such as tablets, laptops, and others will need to be insured in the event of damages. With this type of coverage, you can comfortably carry your business to the river and take advantage of a market knowing you are insured.

Get Covered Today

Our agency understands the need to have this additional insurance and secure your property while in transit. If you have a business in the Pembroke Pines, FL area that requires traveling property or equipment, then you should reach out to the agents at McCormick Insurance Inc. for more information.