Safe Boating In Pembroke Pines

You never see safe boating in movies or on television. Why not? If you’ve been boating in and around Pembroke Pines, FL for any length of time, then you know that you’re not supposed to go blasting full speed past the docks. You don’t want to kick up a wake that sends everyone else’s boats slamming into one another, leaving McCormick Insurance Inc. (or whoever your provider is) holding a massive bill and wondering whether it’s worth keeping you as a client.

But in the movies and on television, nobody ever slows down for the docks. Nobody ever keeps an eye on the buoys. Filmmakers seem to assume that open waters are just the wild wild west where no rules apply. The truth is quite the opposite. For instance, on the road, you’re not obligated to help a stranded traveler. But out on the water, you have a responsibility to do what you can to help should you come across a fellow boater in trouble.

Likewise, you can hit the road without even glancing at a weather report, but out on the water you’d better take a look and make sure that there are no storms or choppy waters coming in. Simply put: There’s a lot more to keep in mind for piloting a boat than there is for driving a car. It is true that a multiple-vehicle collision is less likely on the water than on the road, but beyond that there is quite a bit that needs to be considered before untying your watercraft.

McCormick Insurance Inc. can help to cover you when the unforeseeable happens, but nothing serves as a suitable substitute for safe boating.

What does RV Insurance cover?

If you own an RV or you are looking to get one in the near future, it’s vital that you take up an RV insurance cover for your investment. Generally, an RV Insurance policy covers your recreational vehicle against damage as a result of an accident. 

What are the primary coverage options? 
At McCormick Insurance Inc. we offer the following RV insurance coverage options in Pembroke Pines, FL. 

Comprehensive coverage
Under the comprehensive cover, you are protected against damages to your RV that are not caused by an accident. Here you are covered against the theft of your RV or any other damage such as flood damage. 

Collision coverage
In Florida, you are required to have a minimum amount of collision insurance for your RV. Essentially, this coverage comes into play during an accident and helps you settle the cost to repair your vehicle. The policy also covers the repair costs of the other vehicle involved in the accident.

Uninsured and Underinsured coverage
Sometimes you may be involved in an accident with someone who is not covered, or his/her cover is insufficient to cover the repairs needed. This coverage option tops up the repair cost in such an incident. 

Why choose McCormick Insurance Inc. for your RV coverage?

Tailor-made RV insurance cover
At McCormick, our RV insurance coverage option is tailor-made to meet your immediate needs. Our limits are flexible, and you can choose from an array of options available.

Expert advice
We go beyond offering an RV insurance policy. Our expert agents take time to analyze your preferences and advice you accordingly. Also, our RV insurance policy meets the legal requirements of the state of Florida.

We would like to cover your residential vehicle today; we service the Pembroke Pines, FL area, kindly contact us today for more information and a quote. 

Do I need Umbrella Insurance?

An umbrella insurance policy covers excess personal liability. The purpose of this policy is to provide protection above and beyond the limits covered by your condo insurance, homeowner’s insurance, watercraft insurance, or any other personal insurance policy that you may have. Umbrella insurance from McCormick Insurance Inc. provides you with added liability protection for claims that may arise, and even lawsuits. You can consider it as an inexpensive way to protect your established assets as well as your financial future.

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance Policy?

Umbrella insurance policy requires you to have a primary policy – it is a secondary policy. The primary or underlying liability policy needs to first pay out on any claims that have been made before the umbrella policy can become effective.

This policy can provide you with protection from:

  • Associated legal defense costs in the event that you get sued for injuries or damages to other people or their property.
  • Litigation that may arise from injury or property damage.

Who Can Benefit from This Insurance Policy?

McCormick Insurance Inc. is serving Pembroke Pines, FL, and recommends that any person who has established some assets that they wish to protect in case they get sued should get this type of policy. When you get sued, there is always the possibility that you will lose valuable assets that you have built over the years. This may include any savings that you may have, which means that any person with an asset is at risk. If you own a business establishment in Pembroke Pines, FL, it’s highly recommended that you get an umbrella insurance.

In a litigious society, all items are always up for grabs, including your assets and savings. For more information on how you can use an umbrella policy to protect your future, call or visit our offices, and one of our agents will help you with any concerns. 

Does flood insurance cover special items like paintings which are destroyed?

If you live within a high-risk flood area and receive any kind of federal assistance in buying or building your home, the federal government requires you to obtain special flood insurance. However, even if you are not required to have flood insurance for your home in Pembroke Pines, FL, you may need a policy to protect yourself against losses.

However, you may have some truly unique items like paintings or special clothing or artwork which are not only expensive but irreplaceable. It is important to know whether you are also protected against those losses. 

We at McCormick Insurance Inc. understand how important your valuables are to you. A great deal of thought goes into acquiring such special items, and they can have a special emotional attachment too. We can help you explore the various options you can take to insure your jewelry and artwork.

If your valuables are stolen or damaged, a regular flood insurance policy will cover damages up to your policy limits. You may need to get additional coverage because of the value of the items.

Most insurance policies also only try to pay compensation for losses. They may assess the value on what the value is versus the replacement cost, and often take into account factors such as wear and tear or depreciation.  When it comes to a truly unique item, you may want to find a policy that restores your artwork instead of just replacing it. That might even turn out to be the most economical option, depending on what is needed to restore your items. 

If you possess unique and valuable items, you want to make sure they are protected. McCormick Insurance Inc. proudly serves  Pembroke Pines, FL and helps find the best options for every client.

Does Boat Insurance Cover Repairs From Hitting Debris?

Your boat is a piece of machinery that takes time and effort to keep running smoothly. You have to invest money in it each year to make sure that it is running properly and as such hitting debris and causing damage is a big issue. For those in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you find the policy that works best to protect your boat.

So, does boat insurance cover damage caused by hitting debris? The overall answer to this is a bit difficult to answer and may not be something that you can get in a few short sentences. In most cases, your basic boat policy is going to cover injury to passengers, collision, and damage caused by accidents. It may cover things like hitting a buoy or a dock but you will have to discuss that more specifically with your insurance agent.

In most cases, your policy is not going to cover the damage that you incur from hitting something that was readily avoidable in the water. If you are driving your boat and you hit a piece of debris that was clearly visible and that does not do a great deal of damage, odds are you are going to have to foot the repair bill. If you hit something under the water however that was not clearly, visible, most policies are going to help cover repairs.

The real issue is making sure you have a policy that covers your unique boat as well as your unique usage. If you live in an area and boat in an area where there is a great deal of debris and therefore accidental damage is likely, your policy should reflect that. For those that live in the Pembroke Pines, FL area, the agents with McCormick Insurance Inc. Insurance can help.

The Difference Between Excess and Umbrella Insurance

If you live in Pembroke Pines, FL, it would be a good idea to get familiar with umbrella and excess insurance. What are those two and what do they cover? Well, McCormick Insurance Inc. can answer those questions today. Keep reading to find out the difference between the two.

Umbrella Insurance

This type of insurance is used when your primary coverage is exhausted. If your home, auto, or other insurance has reached it’s limits in a legal battle, this is where your umbrella insurance would kick in. It also covers libel and slander, things that many traditional insurances do not protect you from. Another great thing about umbrella insurance is that you can be covered anywhere in the world. One thing to know about this type of insurance is that you must already have home or car insurance to get an umbrella policy. Think of it as an add-on.

Excess Insurance

In the event of an accident where you need to pay money for repairs, excess insurance will help you out. It is a contribution you make to your car insurance that will provide you with insurance that is a lot more than the primary liability policy. It works like this: when a claim is made to your insurance company, the underlying policy would be used to pay for damages. If the claim amount is greater than the policy, then this is where excess insurance would pick up where your primary policy left off.

Both excess and umbrella insurance help fill in the gaps of your primary coverage. But the difference is in what they can cover. Umbrella insurance can cover things like libel and slander, but excess insurance covers things like damages and liability.

More questions? Contact McCormick Insurance Inc. of Pembroke Pines, FL today.

Things you need to know about Flood Insurance

Rainfall is a good thing since it keeps the land beautiful, nourished, and healthy which ensures the survival of humanity, plants, and animals. However, like all other good things in life, moderation is always required. Unfortunately, you can’t control mother-nature hence there is no way you can stop rainfall and subsequent flooding.

Recently, there has been numerous storms, hurricanes and excessive rainfall which is the main reason you should re-examine your flood insurance policy. Notably, flooding can be severe, leading to irreparable damages to homes and property. According to McCormick Insurance Inc., Pembroke Pines, FL, these are four things you need to know about flood insurance.

1. Don’t postpone until the last minute before buying flood insurance
Like other insurance policies, flood insurance has a waiting period before you start ripping its benefits. In most instances, the waiting period is 30 days hence the policy should be bought in advance of the storm or hurricane seasons.

2. Don’t over-rely on the homeowner’s policy
The standard homeowner’s policy might cover for damages caused by a busted pipe, but it won’t cover for damages caused by excessive rains or hurricanes. As such, it is imperative to consider a flood insurance policy.

3. Even if you are a tenant, you still need the policy
If there is no requirement for the landlord to have a flood insurance policy, they will most likely not invest in the policy. As such, any water damage to your belongings will not be covered.

4. You should protect your business using this policy
Most offices are stocked with expensive furniture and files, and yours might not be an exception. In case there are floods around your office you can incur a huge financial liability due to water damage. However, with a flood insurance policy, all your liability claims will be covered.

While hurricanes and storms are isolated issues, McCormick Insurance Inc., Pembroke Pines, FL advises you to purchase a flood insurance policy to ensure that you are always prepared.

Reasons to Get Builder and Vacant Risk Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

Having an empty building or a building under construction presents unique concerns. It can be a vandalism magnet or can be an avenue for a disaster. Empty buildings are more likely to be affected by wind, fire, or lightning. Getting a standard homeowner’s or commercial insurance policy is not enough as you are not covered if the building is vacant.

However, there are two types of insurance you can get from McCormick Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL.

Vacant dwelling policy

The coverage insures your home if it is vacant for a period. The coverage usually lasts for about 60 days. You can get the policy if you recently bought a home and had not moved in or moved to a new home and you need the policy to protect your home until it sells. You can also get the coverage if you have a rental building that has no tenants.

Builders risk policy

Builders risk policy insures building if it is under construction. The coverage extends to the building, and can also include materials that are used at the job site or in constructing the building.

Getting the policy is important since it ensures your property is secured. A leak in an unoccupied building can escalate to become a flood. Getting the insurance policy will ensure that the building is safe and that you are protected in case there is a flood. You can also get flood insurance that will provide additional coverage for the building and the contents.

If you have questions or want to get more information on builders and vacant risk insurance, visit our offices or contact us. McCormick Insurance agents provide coverage to clients in Pembroke Pines, FL. The agents have experience in property insurance and will advise you on the best policy that will suit your property.


What is Excess Insurance and Why Do You Need It?

When you submit an automobile claim, you need to pay an excess.  There are two types of excess payments; compulsory excess and voluntary excess.  

The former refers to an amount that is set by your insurer. This set amount will depend on factors such as age, type of claim, and the type of car you drive. This amount is non negotiable.  

The later refers to an amount you can actually determine yourself. The more you pay for the voluntary excess payment, the lower your insurance premiums will be.  However, if you do make a claim, you will be paying more out of pocket in the form of a an excess payment.   

What is Excess Insurance?

Excess insurance is supplemental insurance that you can add to your existing car insurance to cover the cost of excess payments when or if you need to make a claim.  The amount of the excess payment, of course, is agreed upon beforehand.  The way is works is that you still cover the excess expense during a claim but you then submit another claim to get reimbursed for the excess payment you made.  

Why You Need Excess Insurance

If you were to have to make a claim down the road, will you be able to afford the excess payment?  if you don’t think so, you may want to consider purchasing excess insurance. The amount for excess insurance will be easily charged on top of your traditional car insurance policy premium.  

To learn more about purchasing excess insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL, contact the friendly agents at McCormick Insurance Inc.  We can answer all of your questions and help you find the right excess insurance for your automobile.  Contact McCormick Insurance Inc. serving the Pembroke Pines, FL area today at 954-602-5741.  

Frequently Asked Questions About Marine Inland Insurance

Marine inland insurance is a type of insurance policy that is not typically understood. If you work for a company and they have asked you to purchase marine inland insurance, your mind may be racing with questions. Here are a few of the questions that we at McCormick Insurance Inc. serving the Pembroke Pines, FL area, are often asked about Marine Inland Insurance. 

What is Marine Inland Insurance? 

Marine inland insurance typically covers inland items that are stored near waterways. This may be transportation property, such as bridges, piers or roads. This may be communication devices, such as radio or television towers or phone lines. Or this may be covered to docked boats that carry cargo that may be damaged. 

What Does Marine Inland Insurance Cover Against?  

Marine inland insurance helps to cover the property named in the policy against damage done by these waterways. If there is a storm or the tides change, the property can become damaged. Bridges can get rusty and need extensive repairs, roads can be wiped out, telecommunication equipment can be destroyed and cargo stored on ships that are being transported can become water damaged. This type of insurance helps to protect against these losses, ensuring these businesses are not hit with a huge bill because of water-based events. 

If I Have Marine Insurance Do I Still Need Marine Inland Insurance? 

Marine insurance helps to protect cargo while it is being transported at sea. Once your boat is docked, you will need marine inland insurance. As such, marine insurance does not offer the same protections that marine inland does, though they both cover your cargo on a ship at different points in time. 

If you still have questions about marine inland insurance, or you are ready to get a quote in the greater Pembroke Pines, FL area, call McCormick Insurance Inc. today. We can help you get the right policy for your needs.