Making Sure You Have the Right Home Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

If you live in Pembroke Pines, FL, you should be aware of the home insurance policies that are in place in the state of Florida. There are many things that you should keep in mind, and you should make sure that you know how home insurance works with respect to your specific situation.

Even though home insurance is not required, it is very beneficial to have it. People can opt out of it and end up regretting it later when an unexpected crisis situation comes up and they have to pay for it out of their pockets. However, if you do choose to have home insurance, you should make sure that you choose the right coverage for you. There are many different packages when it comes to home insurance that is designed to protect your home and your belongings. Each of the packages protect against a certain set of events that could cause damage and cost you money. You should make sure that you choose the one that is actually applicable to you, so that you get the coverage that you need and you are not wasting your money on coverage that is basically unnecessary. Some of the examples of things that can be covered by home insurance packages are theft, wind storms, and fire. Every policy should contain certain basic types of protection though, such as property damage, personal liability, medical payments, and additional living expenses. These are the ones that you need in order to have the basic level of protection so that you can feel safe and secure in terms of finances.

If you have questions about home insurance in the state of Florida, you should feel free to contact the professionals at McCormick Insurance, Inc. The agents of McCormick Insurance, Inc. will be able to tell you everything that you are interested in knowing about home insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL.

4 Simple Tips to Prepare Your Car for Winter Weather

The weather in Pembroke Pines, Fl. does not get as blustery as it does in other parts of the country; however, there are plenty of cold, rainy nights that can torture your car and jeopardize your safety. If you frequently travel to areas that have frigid weather, you should take every precaution to prepare your car for the temperature dips.

Switch to thinner oil. Thinner oil is designed to perform better in cold weather. So next time you get your oil changed, talk to the mechanic about adding a winter-grade oil such as a 5W-30 to the engine instead of the 10W-30 you may typically use in your car.

Check antifreeze levels. Don’t run the risk of your engine freezing and cracking in the cold. If your car is low on antifreeze, add the appropriate levels before it gets chilly.

Pack a winter supply box. This is especially important if you are traveling outside of Pembroke Pines, Fl. to colder areas. Below is a list of items that will increase your chances of getting help and avoiding frostbite should you get stranded on the side of the road:

  • road flares
  • flashlight
  • blanket
  • weather appropriate change of clothes
  • protein bars, jerky, nuts or other snacks
  • gloves and hats
  • ice scraper
  • fully charged cell phone
  • sand or kitty litter to help with traction

Check tire tread depth and tire pressure. Properly inflated tires with adequate tread can mean the difference between life and death when you’re driving on wet or icy roads. You can purchase a gauge from any auto supply store to check tire pressure. If there is not enough pressure in the tires, simply head to the nearest gas station and put air in them. As far as the tire tread goes, you can use a penny to check it. Simply insert the penny in the tread (with Lincoln’s head pointing inward). If you can see all of Lincoln’s head on the penny, it’s time to replace the tire.

Your insurance agent may be able to offer additional tips or coverage recommendations to help prepare your vehicle for cold weather driving.

Summer Vacation RV Safety Checklist

Before you take to the road in your RV for summertime family fun, run through a safety checklist so you can spend more time making memories and less time panicking in an emergency.

Vehicle Maintenance

Check all of your fluids, examine the air pressure in the tires, drive the RV around town while running errands a few days before to see how it runs, and make sure there are no odd bangs, squeaks, or grinding. If you notice anything odd or simply aren’t sure if it’s running fine, take the RV into a trusted mechanic for a thorough check-up.

First Aid Gear

A basic first aid kit is a must-have for every vehicle. The Red Cross offers excellent advice for building a kit, or you can purchase a pre-packaged one. If you already have one, take a peek inside to see if anything has gone missing as first aid kits are frequently raided.

Emergency Kit

You never know when a blown tire or fried engine will leave you stranded down a road with no help coming anytime soon. In addition to your first aid kit, an emergency kit can make the difference that lets you survive an unforeseen catastrophe. The Red Cross emergency kit is a good starting point, but you’ll want to add in supplies for the RV, such as oil, as well.

Registration and Insurance Coverage

The last thing you want on your vacation is racking up traffic fines and repair bills. Since RVs get infrequent use, your registration may have expired since the last time you drove it, so be sure to examine your tags. The final item on the safety checklist is the insurance you’ll need to keep your bank account safe from the damage of an accident on the road. If you need to renew your coverage, expand from a basic liability package to comprehensive coverage, or are just looking for better value, contact McCormick Insurance Inc. for a quote on recreational vehicle coverage.

What Florida Homeowners Need to Know for Fall

Fall isn’t a major change for homeowners in Florida as it is in other states. The temperatures dip a little and the leaves begin to drop, but it doesn’t require a weekend to rake the lawn or insulate the entire house. 

Nonetheless, there are still some important preparations for residents of Pembroke Pines, FL and beyond to take as we get further into fall. Colder temperatures can take their toll on your home, even if Florida, so follow these McCormick Insurance Inc. suggestions to make sure you’re all set for the season.

Get Into Gutters & Up On the Roof

It’s important to inspect the exterior of your home from top-to-bottom several times a year, and fall is the perfect time to do so. Make sure that your gutters are free from debris and that they effectively divert water several feet from the house, in the direction of storm drains. Repair or replace any damage on your roof, such as cracked shingles and loose fixtures, before low temperatures put them to the test.

Flip Your Fans to Reverse

Some ceiling fans can be set to run in the opposite direction. If you have this option, set them to run clockwise so that warm air is circulated back down into the room and makes your home more energy efficient.

Have Heating Systems and Insulation Inspected

Prevention is preferable to cure, so it’s better to confirm that your heating and insulation are in good condition now while it’s still warm. Have an expert take a look if you can’t answer questions yourself. The energy savings alone can make this a worthwhile activity to check off your list.

Check Your Home Insurance Coverage

As much as you take care of your home, it’s crucial to know what your insurance policy covers. Checking for any gaps in your coverage helps you to highlight areas of risk and take steps to fix the problem or expand your coverage.

If you have any questions about homeowners coverage, or if you would like to look at new policy options, call McCormick Insurance Inc. to discuss protecting your Pembroke Pines, FL home.

3 Reasons You Need Auto Insurance

Paying for auto insurance seems like such a pain. There’s so much that you could use that money for instead of paying for an accident that may never happen. However, there are numerous reasons to have insurance, even if you never get into an accident. 

1. It’s the Law

In every state in the United States, it’s required that you have automobile insurance, whether you have a car, truck, van or SUV. The level of insurance you need depends on the laws in your state, which a McCormick Insurance Inc insurance agent will be able to explain to you, so you develop a policy that’s beneficial to you and follows the laws in your state. If you get caught without insurance, which states are getting stricter about, you can lose the plates on your vehicle. Even if you don’t get caught by the police, you can still find yourself in trouble legally because checks are being conducted, and as soon as a policy is canceled or lapses, you only have a short window of opportunity to get new insurance after the insurance company is required to notify the state. 

2. It Protects Your Assets

Let’s say you cause an accident and don’t have insurance. The other party can file a civil suit suing you for compensation for their medical bills, pain and suffering and vehicle damage. You’ll be financially responsible for all of these bills out of pocket. If you don’t have money, you can lose your home or whatever else you own. You may be required to have monthly payments taken directly out of your pay. While if you had insurance, it would have covered almost all of the expenses minus the deductible. 

3. Covers Your Car

If your car isn’t paid off, you’ll need to pay the remaining balance, plus try to figure out how to pay to replace it. This can get costly and possibly impossible for you to handle. Your loan company may require you to have a full tort.

Contact McCormick Insurance Inc. today at 954-602-5741 to get a quote and open a policy. We serve the Pembroke Pines, FL area.

Who Needs An Umbrella Insurance Policy?

There are many different kinds of insurance policies that cover a multitude of things. The types of insurance that many people consider typically include auto insurance, homeowners insurance, and life insurance. However, most people do not think about an umbrella insurance policy. This is the kind of policy that people tend to think they need only if they are rich but that is not always the case. Use these steps to figure out if you could use an umbrella policy.

  • Are you a well known person in the community or a leader of some sort? If you are, then you may want to consider an umbrella insurance policy so that you can better protect yourself from potential lawsuits. People are attracted to people of power and some of those people do not have good intentions. If you are in the spotlight in your community, this is a great way to protect yourself from these types of things.
  • Do you need more protection than a typical auto or homeowners insurance policy can offer? There are maximum amounts of coverage associated with both of these types of insurance policies and if your assets are valued at a higher amount than the coverage allowed, you may want an umbrella insurance policy to cover the difference.
  • Do you have retirement accounts set up with large sums of money in them? The fact is that you probably do and you should protect these as well. You have more to keep safe than you think and an umbrella insurance policy is the perfect way to protect all of your assets, even the ones you may not consider protecting with a separate policy.

For more information about umbrella insurance policies or to see about getting a quote for one, contact McCormick Insurance Inc. serving Pembroke Pines, Fl., today!


Have your family needs changed?

It’s important for your home to be your own and to meet the needs of your family. So when your family needs change, you can renovate your home to meet those needs. This may include expanding a bathroom, redoing the kitchen, or even adding an entire wing to your home. Renovating can be a more cost-effective option than buying a new home. It also gives you the chance to customize your home and make sure it reflects your family’s personality. When you decide to renovate your home, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Plan ahead

Renovating isn’t something you can just do over a quick three-day weekend. It takes planning and preparation. If the renovations are extensive, you may also need trained and certified vendors to help, including plumbers, electricians, or contractors. Planning your renovations ahead ensures that you will be able to accomplish what you need and want on time and within budget. This includes getting permits and paperwork in order well in advance of beginning the renovations.

Check your home insurance policy

Another preparation for your home renovations should be to check your home insurance policy to make sure your home insurance also reflects the changes to your home. The type of policy you have is dependent on the type of home you have, where it is located, and how well it is maintained. When you make changes to your home, your home insurance policy may need to be changed to reflect those changes so that your home is properly protected.

For more information about changing your home insurance after renovations, contact your local McCormick Insurance Inc. agent today.

5 ways to save money on motorcycle insurance

For some people in Pembroke Pines, FL their motorcycle insurance premium is a major expense.  Of course, it’s also something that you don’t want to cut back on.  A good motorcycle insurance policy can protect you and your other passengers in the event of an accident, but only if you have the right kind of coverage.  Rather than cut back on your level of coverage, try these strategies to save on your premiums.

  1. Shop around.  If you think you’re paying too much in premiums, call the agents at McCormick Insurance Inc.  They have years of experience in finding discounts so that you can get a motorcycle insurance policy that fits into your budget.
  2. Ask about how to qualify for discounts.  Sometimes simple things, such as housing your motorcycle in a garage at night, can qualify you for significant savings on your premiums.  Also ask about safety and security features that you have or could easily have installed.  Sometimes just wearing a helmet can help to reduce your premium
  3. Consider a higher premium.  While this will require you to have more money in savings, it might be a good idea if you’re able to do a lot of smaller work on your bike.  If you can make small repairs yourself, then you just need to rely on insurance for the big stuff.
  4. Combine your policy with your auto policy.  If you can combine these policies together, you may be able to qualify for some large discounts.
  5. Be careful.  A clean driving record is the best way to save money on your motorcycle insurance.  If you’ve made some mistakes, be careful going forward.  After a few months, you’ll start to see your premiums drop.

Why You Need Umbrella Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

Umbrella insurance is necessary for a number of people in Pembroke Pines, Florida and you may need it and not even know what it is. Below are some more details about what umbrella insurance is, why you might need it and how much it costs. If you do decide to set up an umbrella insurance policy, there are a lot of different options out there but a local broker is probably best, like McCormick Insurance Inc. who serves the great Pembroke Pines area and offers competitive rates.


Umbrella insurance is basically a back-up insurance policy to your other insurance policies if you coverage isn’t sufficient, as well as a policy that fills gaps in your existing policies. For example, if you are in a car accident and sued by the other person for injuries and your car insurance doesn’t cover what they are suing you for, you can trigger your umbrella policy if you have it to cover the difference. These umbrella policies also protect against libel and slander lawsuits, which most insurance policies out there do not.


Umbrella insurance costs about $200 a month per one million dollars of coverage, which may seem like a lot of protection but isn’t depending on the lawsuit or the damages reported. For another $100, you can usually obtain another one million dollars of liability insurance for your umbrella policy.


Anyone who thinks they may be vulnerable to a larger lawsuit due to an accident that may occur in the future. It really all depends on the type of life you lead and who you are before you should pull the trigger on setting up an umbrella insurance policy. Make sure your monthly payment is worth the coverage.

Prepare Your Boat for the Summer

Before the summer begins, you’ll want to make sure your boat is in good condition and prepared for the high seas. For new and experienced boaters, you will need to do annual checks to make sure your boat is ready for your summer excursions.

Clean the Interior and Exterior

Do a thorough examination of the ships’ hull and interior deck. Make sure there is no damage due to inclement weather that may have occurred during the winter months. Then comprehensively clean the inside and outside of your boat. If there is any surface damage or obvious wear, have it repaired before you set sail.

Do a Complete System’s Check

It is important to inspect the pumps, hoses, cable lines, and fuel system. Any components that are cracked, chipped, or broken will need to be repaired or replaced. Propellers must also be examined. Damaged propellers can cause the drive train to become distressed.

Overhaul the Electrical System

Scrutinize the electrical system and test it for connection issues and corrosion. The GPS, radio, and other electronic devices must be in perfectly working condition to be able to navigate your way on the water and contact help if there is an emergency.

Emergency and Safety Equipment

Unfortunately emergencies happen when you least expect it. You should be prepared and make sure all of your equipment is functioning properly.

  • Have enough life jackets or vests for every passenger.
  • Replace expired flares.
  • Inspect your floatable devices, such as a dinghy or inflatable boat.
  • Fire extinguishers must be on board and in good condition.
  • Store a first-aid kit on board

With the independent insurance agents that serve the Pembroke Pines, FL area, McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you with your current policy or search for a new one that fits your needs.