Do I need Insurance for My Jet Ski?

Floridians love their water toys, and if you live near Pembroke Pines, FL, you likely have a recreational vehicle, such as a jet ski, that you regularly use for fun along the state’s top beaches.

It’s a popular pastime, but it can be dangerous. You might want to consider insurance to safeguard yourself from costs related to collisions on and off the water.

Do You Need Recreational Vehicle Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL?

Florida doesn’t require insurance on water toys like jet skis. However, it’s recommended. You can purchase a policy from a provider like McCormick Insurance Inc. to protect yourself in the event of an accident, theft, or storm damage.

Why You Should Get Jet Ski Insurance in Florida

A policy on jet skis is a great way to protect your investment and any other liabilities. Without insurance, you may be liable for the cost of damage to someone else’s property and injuries they sustain in an accident involving your jet ski. These expenses can add up quickly and become a real burden.

Does Auto Insurance Cover Small Recreational Vehicles?

Your standard Florida vehicle coverage may include liability coverage for your jet ski. However, this area of your policy might be limited to basic medical coverage for injuries. This is usually enough if your concern is only your liability for wellness. But for damages and severe injuries to others, you will want separate coverage to protect yourself further.

Buy Recreational Vehicle Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

McCormick Insurance Inc. can help you get jet ski insurance in Florida that matches your policy needs. Call us to learn more about recreational vehicles and all your coverage options.

Use an umbrella policy to provide your company with comprehensive coverage

Pembroke Pines, FL area business owners owe it to themselves to learn more about umbrella insurance policies. The team here at McCormick Insurance Inc. is here to answer any questions that you may have about comprehensive commercial insurance.

Benefits of umbrella policies for local business owners

Commercial insurance policies are an integral part of protecting the hard work and dedication that goes into building and growing a successful business. As your company grows and changes, so too will your insurance needs.

When it comes to protecting commercial interests, business owners owe it to themselves to find out how an umbrella policy can help protect their company. Because commercial policies are structured with policy maximums, it is possible to run out of insurance coverage and protection. Don’t let this happen to you!

Should your primary policy ever reaches its policy maximum and you have an umbrella policy in place, you can rest easy. Your umbrella insurance will take over where the primary policy leaves off. This strategy allows you to increase your overall level of insurance and ensures that your company is protected now and in the future.

Business owners who are focused on growing their companies need to give umbrella insurance a close look. When you have a robust commercial insurance portfolio in place, it allows you to focus on the core needs of your business. Don’t let a maxed-out commercial insurance policy disrupt your firm’s ongoing growth and success.

Schedule your consultation today

If you are a business owner in the greater Pembroke Pines, FL area and would like to find out more about the benefits of commercial umbrella policies, count on McCormick Insurance Inc. Give us a call today and schedule a consultation to learn more.

Who Needs Excess Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

At McCormick Insurance Inc., most clients always want to know about deductibles and coverage limits. The idea is to determine how much they will be paid and what amount they will part with when making a claim. Additionally, we usually don’t like to see clients’ covered partly when perils strike.  For this reason, we ask clients to consider insurance plans like excess insurance to boost the insurance options they have in place.

What is excess insurance?

Before going far, let’s get basics out of the way: what is excess insurance?  This insurance plan provides additional coverage to your existing insurance plans. Simply put, it’s an insurance plan that covers the extra cost over and beyond what your primary insurance plans cover.

Most people confuse excess insurance with umbrella insurance. The two serve the same purpose of boosting your insurance policy, but they are different. Excess insurance enhances related insurance policies, while umbrella insurance covers different plans. Also, umbrella insurance provides coverage against personal liabilities like libel and slander — such perils aren’t covered by excess liability.

Who needs excess liability?

Excess insurance is not mandatory like auto insurance, meaning that not everyone needs this insurance plan. However, if your claim history is high, you definitely need excess insurance. For instance, if your business has premises where customers usually make claims of falls and slips, you need excess insurance.

Besides, if you have a high chance of being sued, excess insurance would come in handy to cover attorney fees, paperwork, and court awards.

Buy excess insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL 

Would you like to buy excess insurance in Florida? Please look no further than McCormick Insurance Inc. We don’t just sell insurance for the sake. We will examine your situation and advise whether excess insurance is good for you. 

Who Needs Auto Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL?

Living in Florida is a dream come true for many residents. From wonderful cities, a bustling economy, and breathtaking sceneries, there is a lot to savor in the Sunshine State. If you are a Floridian, the chances are that you have bought, rented, or leased a vehicle. But how much do you know about auto insurance? McCormick Insurance Inc. of Pembroke Pines, FL sheds light on who needs car insurance.

Who needs auto insurance?

Like many states, Florida requires all drivers to purchase auto insurance. The state requires you to buy liability and personal injury protection (PIP) coverages every time you drive or park in public spaces. More so, Florida is a no-fault state. This means that the insurance company covers liability costs up to a specific limit, regardless of who caused the accident.

Florida’s law requires drivers to show proof of insurance whenever they are driving. Failure to carry required auto insurance may result in fines of up to $500 and license suspension. And if you are at fault for an accident, you will be required to foot the liability costs from your pocket.

Besides compliance, who else needs auto insurance?

Yes, we know the law requires auto insurance, but who else needs car insurance.  If your car is financed by a federal-regulated financier, they may require you to invest in car insurance as long as your loan liability is outstanding. The other persons that need auto insurance are:

  • Those who want peace of mind
  • Persons that need financial cushioning
  • If you value your car

Ultimately, everyone who owns a car needs auto insurance. Whether it’s a classic, modern, commercial or private vehicle, ignoring car insurance isn’t an option!

Buy auto insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

Ready to invest in car insurance? Please look no further than McCormick Insurance Inc. We offer comprehensive and affordable car insurance policies for our clients.

4 Areas Covered by Home Insurance

You are about to purchase home insurance from McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL. You know the policy covers your dwelling, but do you know that home insurance protects more than just the building? Yes, a good home insurance policy covers the below areas.

Dwelling protection

Perhaps, this is the most common reason many homeowners buy home insurance. Home insurance repairs or rebuilds your home should the covered perils strike your home. For instance, home insurance reimburses repair expenses if fire, accidental water damage, hailstorms, lightning and other covered perils occur.

Home insurance can also cover detached structures like the garage, fence, or gazebo. Usually, you pay 10% of your policy to get additional coverage for detached structures.

Personal property coverage

Has it not taken you a lot of time and resources to accumulate personal assets like electronics and furniture? Given that your assets are valuable, considering home insurance is a wise decision since it reimburses you for the loss or damage to your assets.

Yes, home insurance doesn’t prevent perils from happening, but it ensures you don’t start from scratch when perils occur.

Liability protection

Home insurance protects you when you, your family members, or your pet causes injury to third parties. It also protects you when accused of causing property damage to persons living outside your home. Plus, home insurance covers legal costs should third parties sue you.

Loss of use

Home insurance can cover the additional living expenses you incur while your house is being rebuilt after damage. Home insurance covers hotel accommodation, food, transport, and other additional living expenses indicated in your policy.

Buy home insurance in Pembroke Pines FL

Ready to protect your home with home insurance? You are on the right track. If you are in Pembroke Pines, FL and its environs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with McCormick Insurance Inc. for an affordable home insurance policy.

Is Builders & Vacant Risk Insurance Mandatory in Florida?

If you look everywhere in Florida, there is always an upcoming building. While the Sunshine State is exploding with constructions, ever thought about insurance to protect all these projects? Builder’s insurance from McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL protects buildings when undergoing renovations or under construction. On the other hand, we also provide vacant risk insurance to cover your home if left vacant for a certain period.

Are builders and vacant risk insurance mandatory?

Builder’s risk insurance protects your building against damage or loss from perils like lightning, theft, fire, vandalism, and so on. Most of the time, the contractor buys the insurance policy but confirms from the contract agreement as it usually states who should purchase the coverage. Typically, builder’s insurance doesn’t cover liabilities. Liabilities are either covered by general liability coverage or home insurance, in case it’s a home being constructed.

Some local authorities may need proof of the builder’s risk insurance before issuing construction permits. Also, the county or state governments may need this insurance policy as proof that you comply with the building code.

On the other hand, vacant risk insurance isn’t mandatory in Florida. However, it would help if you have it when your home is unoccupied for a certain period. Why? Home insurance doesn’t provide coverage against losses and damages that occur to your home during this time.

Who needs builder’s risk insurance?

Anyone interested in the building requires a builder’s risk insurance policy. Some people who may need this insurance include:

  • Homeowners/property owners
  • Architects /engineers
  • Contractors
  • Subcontractors
  • Lenders

Want to invest in builders & vacant risk insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL? Getting an insurance agent that offers these policies can be frustrating, but this is no longer the case because McCormick Insurance Inc. has got you covered. Contact us today for affordable coverage.

Florida Inland Marine Insurance Guide: Critical Terms Explained

Florida inland marine insurance is a kind of insurance that you can get as boat insurance for your marine life. The terms, however, can seem very confusing.

At McCormick Insurance Inc., we want Pembroke Pines, FL boat owners to have the most thorough policy for their boat insurance. We want you to understand what the terms mean as well. 

Learn more about Florida inland marine insurance here.

Type of Policy

There are a number of kinds of marine insurance that you can get. For Florida boat insurance, you can get hull insurance or liability insurance.

Hull insurance will protect the hull of your boat and any damage that could be caused to it by weather or collision.

Liability insurance will cover any liabilities that you incur as a result of an accident or event for which you are at fault or held liable. 

You are not required to get both kinds of insurance. A policy that only provides liability will cover you in the event of a disaster for which you are ultimately held financially responsible. 

Add-Ons to Florida Inland Marine Insurance

There are a number of elements to any boat insurance policy that you can add to create a more thorough policy.

Navigational limits are a common feature of every marine insurance plan. This term defines where you can and can not operate your marine vessel under marine or maritime law. You can have this amended to include extended navigational limits so that you can take your boat farther than your policy provides.

The layup period specified in your marine inland insurance policy specifies what months you can and can not operate your boat. You may not want this in Florida, but you may choose to dock your boat during certain months of the year if you are not using it. The time frame between November and April is the most common layup period.

Get a Quote

If you have not purchased marine inland insurance before, the terms can feel confusing. They are easier to understand than you think. At McCormick Insurance Inc., we want Pembroke Pines, FL boat owners to feel confident with their boat insurance policy. Call us for a quote today.

Boat insurance: What you should know

Florida is a state filled with water, so, of course, many people take advantage of this. From surfing to fishing, there is fun stuff to do for everyone in the water. That’s why many people in Florida own boats. Boats are an excellent way of life, whether you live on your own boat or use it for recreational purposes. 

Let us take the hassle out of any inconveniences that may happen to your boat, and get boat insurance that will help you in many situations, and let you solely enjoy your boat. McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL offers boat insurance quotes, and we can compare several quotes alongside you today. 

The why

You might wonder why you need boat insurance at all. An obvious reason is, of course, if your boat breaks or gets damaged. These are indeed two very good reasons to consider boat insurance, but there’s a ton more reason this is quite an important investment, an investment at a low cost at that.

For example, did you know you could be liable for someone else’s medical and/or repair costs if your boat hits someone else’s? 

What else

Other reasons you might consider boat insurance should be similar to why you get insurance for your home. What if someone breaks into your boat and steals valuable items you have got hidden away in it? Or what if your guest trips on your boat and decides to sue you? All great reasons to consider getting boat insurance today.

If you want to look at boat insurance policies with us, you can give us a call on McCormick Insurance Inc. in Pembroke Pines, FL.

What Insurance Add-Ons Are Best for Your RV?

When you buy an RV, insurance might not be the first thing you think about. However, it should be one of your priorities. In addition to meeting minimum insurance requirements, you should also consider add-on policies that provide more protection.

McCormick Insurance Inc. serves Pembroke Pines, FL, ensuring you have all the tools you need to have a fun and safe time with your RV. These are some insurance add-ons you should consider.

Roadside Assistance

When you have an RV, a lot can happen. When you are on the road, you may want the protection of being able to have gas delivery or a tire change on demand. Roadside assistance can prevent a breakdown from stopping your trip.

Personal Effects Replacement

If you are in an accident or somebody breaks into your RV, some of your personal items could become damaged. Some policies may replace your personal belongings, like clothes, jewelry, or appliances.

Total Loss Replacement

There are many cases in which total loss replacement is necessary. A replacement can help you cover damage to your RV if something serious happens that totals it.

Full-Timer’s Insurance

Some people like to live in their RVs. If you use your RV for more than half of the year, you might consider getting this add-on policy to provide more protection. This can help cover not only your RV but also the area surrounding it so that you can have liability and property protection.

Get RV Add-On Insurance

McCormick Insurance Inc. provides many RV owners in Pembroke Pines, FL with insurance add-ons that help them travel and live safely. Contact an insurance professional to learn more about your add-on options.

How Much Umbrella Insurance Do You Need?

Umbrella insurance is used to protect you, above and beyond what your other insurance policies offer. If you get sued, you may have a lot to lose (if you have a lot of assets). However, you could also be held accountable for someone that has an accident on your property. If someone slips and falls, you could be held liable. If your dog bit someone, you are going to be responsible for paying their expenses. 

Even better, your umbrella insurance will follow you wherever you go. If you get hurt on vacation, it will cover those expenses? Get in an accident while touring the country? Your umbrella insurance will be there for you. 

So, how much umbrella insurance do you need? 

The best way to answer this is to determine what your worth is. Look at your assets. What does your home cost? What about your vehicles? Don’t forget about your savings and retirement accounts. All of that can quickly add up! 

If you are worth one million dollars, that is the minimum amount of umbrella insurance that you need. Umbrella insurance goes up by the millions, so you may need two or three million in umbrella insurance, depending on your worth. 

If your assets are less than one million, you may not need any umbrella insurance. However, you should talk to an insurance company just to make sure. You don’t want to lose any of your assets due to an accident. 

If you want to make sure that you are protected (and you live in Pembroke Pines, FL), you need to contact McCormick Insurance Inc. We will be glad to sit down and discuss your needs to come up with a plan that fits within your budget.