McCormick Insurance Inc. Helps Pembroke Pines, FL Residents Avoid Being Underinsured

Mortgage lenders usually insist that you have a homeowners policy in place to protect the bank’s investment. While the State of Florida doesn’t make people carry insurance, it’s wise for every homeowner to have protection. But understanding how much and what type of policy can be complicated. At McCormick Insurance Inc., our professionals are available to help members of the Pembroke Pines, FL community select a policy that meets your needs. We’ll work to answer your questions and help you avoid being underinsured.

Replacement Costs

It’s a common error for homeowners to associate the value of their homes with replacement costs. That happens because properties can depreciate in some ways and the home market fluctuates. In Florida, policies are supposed to be based on replacement costs. But arriving at a comprehensive figure can be difficult.

The average home replacement cost can run about $150 per square foot. And while you may be able to rebuild a home at that price, it won’t likely include any high-end detail or specialized materials. That number also doesn’t necessarily account for razing, removing debris or recent changes in building code compliance.

The basic point is that replacement costs are fluid and it’s important that you revisit and update your policy on a regular basis.

Flood and Natural Catastrophe Insurance

We’re all well aware that Florida has endured its share of hurricanes, floods, and natural disasters. What many homeowners often overlook the fact that most policies do not cover flooding and other devastating losses. It’s imperative that you have appropriate, additional coverage in the event of a loss. The last thing you want is to be hit with the major cost of flood damage remediation.

At McCormick Insurance Inc., we are committed to serving the good people of Pembroke Pines, FL. Our insurance professionals are available to create a policy or update an existing one that provides you with secure coverage.


Getting More From Your Home Insurance in Pembroke Pines

Your home insurance doesn’t have to be another expense that takes a chunk out of your wallet. It can be the very thing that saves your wallet when your back is against the wall. If you remember this when times are good, you won’t have to kick yourself when events take a turn for the worst. McCormick Insurance Inc. serves the people of Pembroke Pines, FL, and can give you a few tips to consider when it comes to getting more. 

The Facts of Home Insurance 

Policies have varying applications of coverage, and many homeowners aren’t sure when it can help and when it can’t. This is a sure-fire way to end up on the wrong side of the fence if a criminal breaks into your home, you’re sued by the mailman for an errant branch left in the yard or if a major storm destroys your new granite countertops. The majority of people will assume that their possessions will be covered, when in actuality they never made that stipulation. If you haven’t seen your home insurance policy for a few years, it might be time to give someone a call to talk about how much would actually be replaced in the event of an emergency. 

Seeing Insurance Clearly 

If you want to get more from your home insurance, then now is the time to figure out just how and what insurance can do for you.  If you’re looking for more information than can be covered in this blog post, then there are people who can help you. Our agency is poised to help you find the coverage that fits your needs, budget, and lifestyle. If you live in Pembroke Pines, FL, then give McCormick Insurance Inc. a call today for more information. 

Does Home Insurance Really Cover Contractors Who Are Injured While Working on My Home?

If you are looking to hire a contractor to complete work to your home in Pembroke Pines, FL, it is important that you ensure the contractor carries their own insurance. But, even if they do carry insurance, they may still be able to come after you if they are injured on your property. Here is some information you need to know about home insurance and its coverage for contractors.

Injury Liability Coverage

Under most homeowner’s insurance policies is a coverage called injury liability coverage. This coverage covers anyone who is injured while visiting your property, including family members and contractors. The amount of coverage you have varies based on the details of your policy. Pull out your policy and ensure you have enough coverage before you hire a contractor.

Intentional Act Exclusion

While most contractors will be covered if they are injured while working on your home, there is one key exclusion. The intentional act exclusion. If the contractor jumps off a roof and purposely injures themselves, you or your homeowner’s insurance may not be liable. Likewise, if you shake a ladder while a contractor is on it and cause the contractor to fall, your homeowner’s insurance may not offer coverage. As long as the act was an accident, rather than something done on purpose, your homeowner’s insurance will cover it.

If you are beginning a home construction project in the near future, it is always important to read over your home insurance policy and see what is covered and what is not. An insurance agent can help you with any questions you have. If you have any questions about your policy or need a new one before contractors begin work on your home in the greater Pembroke Pines, FL area, call McCormick Insurance Inc. We can help answer your questions, ensure your policy meets your needs and if it doesn’t, find a policy that does.

Making Sure You Have the Right Home Insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL

If you live in Pembroke Pines, FL, you should be aware of the home insurance policies that are in place in the state of Florida. There are many things that you should keep in mind, and you should make sure that you know how home insurance works with respect to your specific situation.

Even though home insurance is not required, it is very beneficial to have it. People can opt out of it and end up regretting it later when an unexpected crisis situation comes up and they have to pay for it out of their pockets. However, if you do choose to have home insurance, you should make sure that you choose the right coverage for you. There are many different packages when it comes to home insurance that is designed to protect your home and your belongings. Each of the packages protect against a certain set of events that could cause damage and cost you money. You should make sure that you choose the one that is actually applicable to you, so that you get the coverage that you need and you are not wasting your money on coverage that is basically unnecessary. Some of the examples of things that can be covered by home insurance packages are theft, wind storms, and fire. Every policy should contain certain basic types of protection though, such as property damage, personal liability, medical payments, and additional living expenses. These are the ones that you need in order to have the basic level of protection so that you can feel safe and secure in terms of finances.

If you have questions about home insurance in the state of Florida, you should feel free to contact the professionals at McCormick Insurance, Inc. The agents of McCormick Insurance, Inc. will be able to tell you everything that you are interested in knowing about home insurance in Pembroke Pines, FL.

What Florida Homeowners Need to Know for Fall

Fall isn’t a major change for homeowners in Florida as it is in other states. The temperatures dip a little and the leaves begin to drop, but it doesn’t require a weekend to rake the lawn or insulate the entire house. 

Nonetheless, there are still some important preparations for residents of Pembroke Pines, FL and beyond to take as we get further into fall. Colder temperatures can take their toll on your home, even if Florida, so follow these McCormick Insurance Inc. suggestions to make sure you’re all set for the season.

Get Into Gutters & Up On the Roof

It’s important to inspect the exterior of your home from top-to-bottom several times a year, and fall is the perfect time to do so. Make sure that your gutters are free from debris and that they effectively divert water several feet from the house, in the direction of storm drains. Repair or replace any damage on your roof, such as cracked shingles and loose fixtures, before low temperatures put them to the test.

Flip Your Fans to Reverse

Some ceiling fans can be set to run in the opposite direction. If you have this option, set them to run clockwise so that warm air is circulated back down into the room and makes your home more energy efficient.

Have Heating Systems and Insulation Inspected

Prevention is preferable to cure, so it’s better to confirm that your heating and insulation are in good condition now while it’s still warm. Have an expert take a look if you can’t answer questions yourself. The energy savings alone can make this a worthwhile activity to check off your list.

Check Your Home Insurance Coverage

As much as you take care of your home, it’s crucial to know what your insurance policy covers. Checking for any gaps in your coverage helps you to highlight areas of risk and take steps to fix the problem or expand your coverage.

If you have any questions about homeowners coverage, or if you would like to look at new policy options, call McCormick Insurance Inc. to discuss protecting your Pembroke Pines, FL home.

Have your family needs changed?

It’s important for your home to be your own and to meet the needs of your family. So when your family needs change, you can renovate your home to meet those needs. This may include expanding a bathroom, redoing the kitchen, or even adding an entire wing to your home. Renovating can be a more cost-effective option than buying a new home. It also gives you the chance to customize your home and make sure it reflects your family’s personality. When you decide to renovate your home, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

Plan ahead

Renovating isn’t something you can just do over a quick three-day weekend. It takes planning and preparation. If the renovations are extensive, you may also need trained and certified vendors to help, including plumbers, electricians, or contractors. Planning your renovations ahead ensures that you will be able to accomplish what you need and want on time and within budget. This includes getting permits and paperwork in order well in advance of beginning the renovations.

Check your home insurance policy

Another preparation for your home renovations should be to check your home insurance policy to make sure your home insurance also reflects the changes to your home. The type of policy you have is dependent on the type of home you have, where it is located, and how well it is maintained. When you make changes to your home, your home insurance policy may need to be changed to reflect those changes so that your home is properly protected.

For more information about changing your home insurance after renovations, contact your local McCormick Insurance Inc. agent today.

Tips For Organizing Your Closet

Your closet is an important part of your home. While many people may not go into the closet, it is something that you go in every day. An organized closet will help you feel less stressed and it is important to take some time to organize it. However, the process of organizing the closet may seem daunting. To help you through the process, we have compiled some helpful tips for closet organization. For all of your insurance needs, please contact us at McCormick Insurance Inc. 

  • Use an over the door shoe rack. Your shoes can take up a lot of space, especially if you have a lot of them. There is only so much floor space in your closet so take advantage of other space and utilize an over the door shoe rack. You will be surprised by how much it helps your closet and how much more room you have.
  • Use tiered hangers. You can put so much more in your closet when you use tiered hangers. This will allow you to put more than one item of clothing on the hanger. You can also put like clothes together. It makes it easier to store pants together and will provide you with a lot of extra room. Using these hangers come in multiple styles and colors so you can choose the right ones for your closet design.
  • Install shelves if you have the room. If there are any clothes that you would like to fold instead of hang, but don’t have room in a dresser, you can use any shelves that you install. You can put them where you have room and you can use them to store all kinds of extra things in your closet. You can also separate the shelves to create separate areas for different items, like scarves or purses. 

Spring Maintenance to Protect the Home

The folks at McCormick Insurance Inc. want to remind you that spring is a great time to perform annual home maintenance to reduce the chance of damage to the home.

Roof and Gutters
During winter, gutters and drains fill with fallen leaves, which can block the flow of water when it rains. Water held on the roof can leak into the home and cause mold to form on the interior surfaces. Mold spores that pass through the home ventilation or air conditioning system are bad for the occupant’s health.

Make sure the downspouts release water at least three feet away from the home’s foundation. Water that flows directly on to the foundation can cause it to weaken or crack. In addition to clearing out the gutters and making sure the downspouts are not blocked, it is a good idea to check the attic for any sign of water damage or mold growth.

Replace any damaged or missing shingles on the roof. Be careful using the ladder, because falls are one of the most common accidents. If the roof repair job is too dangerous, it is best to hire a roofing contractor to do the work who has the correct safety equipment.

HVAC System
It is best to perform the annual maintenance of the HVAC system before the weather gets too hot. Many HVAC maintenance companies offer annual specials during springtime when they are not as busy as they become during summer. Spring is a good time to clean out the air ducts and change the air filter. Clean any fallen debris that blocks the air vents of the HVAC unit. Replace any worn out parts to make the system run well.

Check for air leaks around windows and doors. Use weather stripping to block the air from leaking. This helps save money on energy bills.

Spring is a good time to check insurance to make sure you have adequate coverage. Contact the agents at McCormick Insurance Inc. for all your insurance needs.

How to Prepare Your Home for a Disaster Slug

While Pembroke Pines, FL may not be the most disaster prone area in the nation, there are still a number of potential scenarios you should be prepared for. For example, Florida is well-known for its fair share of hurricanes. With the unpredictable nature of the weather, it is a good idea to take steps now to reduce your overall risk and protect your home, while keeping your family safe.

Identify specific risks

Knowing what the most common hazards are for the area, especially if you are new to the area, will help you focus on what you need to do to be prepared. Be sure to take action against the event that will have the highest likelihood of occurring. For Florida, you will likely need to purchase some type of flood insurance, since these are typically not covered in traditional home insurance policies.

Know and address your home vulnerabilities

In many cases, homeowners feel helpless when destructive weather strikes. The good news is, you can perform a few home improvement strategies to lower your risk of damage. For example, to protect your home from the damages of hurricanes, install storm shutters, built a new safe room or install hurricane straps that will help to keep your roof securely in place when high winds blow.

Create a personal emergency kit

You should not wait until the last minute (when everyone else is scrambling around) to gather emergency supplies. Include the following items in your emergency kit: water, food, battery powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit and tarps for covering any potential damage to the roof or windows.

Being prepared for a storm or other disaster is not only smart, it will give you peace of mind. If needed, you can also find home insurance by contacting McCormick Insurance Inc. today.




3 Reasons To Have Home Liability Coverage

When you live in Pembroke Pines, Florida, it’s important to have a homeowner’s insurance policy. Liability coverage is common within a policy – and you want to make sure it is coverage you have in place to cover various incidents.

Whether it’s a dog bite, a slip and fall, or something else, there are three good reasons for the coverage.

Medical Bills

Medical bills may be covered if a visitor to your home is injured. You don’t want to be the one to pay for these out of pocket, so home liability coverage will likely take care of the expenses on your part. If they have health insurance, you could be held liable – and this is a great way to save the money from being your financial responsibility.

Legal Costs

There could be legal costs associated with someone getting hurt on your property. If there’s an accident in your home, someone could sue you. This is going to require a lawyer. Whether you are found responsible for the damages or not, the home liability coverage is likely going to take care of your legal costs so you don’t go broke in the process.


If someone is injured sufficiently enough, they may be out of work. These lost wages could become your problem. The good thing about liability coverage is that it may prevent you from paying these wages.

You never know when someone could be injured and to what extent. When you have the right limits on your liability coverage, it can cover pain and suffering, medical bills, legal costs, wages, and more.

Contact us at McCormick Insurance Inc. today to speak to an agent who can help you find the right home insurance policy for you. Our agents look forward to finding comprehensive policies at affordable rates in Florida.