Understanding the Layers of Your Pembroke Pines, FL Home Insurance

Odds are you carry homeowners insurance on your Florida home. If you have a mortgage, your financial institution likely requires it. There are layers to your homeowners insurance you may not be aware of. Here is a closer look at homeowners insurance and what it may encompass.

  • Coverage A Dwelling – This is the part most people think about first when they think of home insurance. It covers the structure of your home.
  • Coverage B Other Structures – This is the portion of your coverage that would cover a shed or detached garaged.
  • Coverage C Personal Property – Personal property includes your clothing, furniture and other personal possessions that may be lost due to a covered peril.
  • Coverage D Loss of Use/Additional Living Expenses – This is worth considering because replacing a severely damaged home could take an extensive period of time. The cost of additional living expenses could be significant.
  • Coverage E Personal Liability – If someone is injured while on your property, this is the coverage that would protect you. It could be a neighbor, friend, or even a delivery person.
  • Coverage F Medical Payments to Others – Provides for the medical expenses to those who may be injured on your property.
  • Additional Coverage – This is supplemental coverage to fill in gaps where your base policy may fall short. Coin collections, stamp collections, art, etc. may be better covered through additional coverage.
  • Exclusions – This portion of your policy will note specifically what is not covered. Common exclusions are earthquakes and flooding.

At McCormick Insurance Inc., we serve the Pembroke Pines, FL area with a range of insurance products to protect what you’ve earned. We are an independent agency that can seek out quotes from multiple companies to find great coverage at a good price. Visit our website to get an online quote for your homeowners or auto insurance. We look forward to assisting you.

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