Protect Your Home from Unexpected Smoke Damage

Take a few hours out of your busy schedule to visit local sites in Pembroke Pines, FL. Living in the 33024 area of Pembroke Pines gives your family many opportunities to go on outings together. Take home a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables offered at Stile’s Farmers Market. From bananas and pineapples to avocados and limes, you’ll find many interesting choices for reasonable prices.

Spend an entire day at the Young At Art Museum where your kids can learn more about art in a fun and relaxing environment. When visiting the Young At Art Museum, you won’t experience boredom because you can enjoy drinking a craft beer or listening to live music. Enrich your palate when you visit the posh Capriccio’s Ristorante. You’ll have a chance to eat delicious Italian fare while enjoying musical entertainment.

While reviewing the fine print in your homeowners insurance policy, you may want to contact our office in Pembroke Pines and speak with our agent about smoke damage coverage. Your policy may not cover smoke damage that occurs because of a faulty chimney. Your standard homeowners insurance policy may not cover smoke damage that occurs because someone in your family leaves a burning cigarette on your sofa or bed. However, if smoke damage is caused by an accident that is not your fault, your homeowners policy can protect your finances.

When in doubt about whether you have sufficient coverage for an accidental fire that results in smoke damage to your home in Pembroke Pines, FL, the best thing to do is to visit our website, get a free quote, and then contact our insurance agency. Once you speak with our agent about smoke damage protection covered by your current homeowners insurance policy, you’ll have a better perspective.