How to Prepare Your Home for a Disaster Slug

While Pembroke Pines, FL may not be the most disaster prone area in the nation, there are still a number of potential scenarios you should be prepared for. For example, Florida is well-known for its fair share of hurricanes. With the unpredictable nature of the weather, it is a good idea to take steps now to reduce your overall risk and protect your home, while keeping your family safe.

Identify specific risks

Knowing what the most common hazards are for the area, especially if you are new to the area, will help you focus on what you need to do to be prepared. Be sure to take action against the event that will have the highest likelihood of occurring. For Florida, you will likely need to purchase some type of flood insurance, since these are typically not covered in traditional home insurance policies.

Know and address your home vulnerabilities

In many cases, homeowners feel helpless when destructive weather strikes. The good news is, you can perform a few home improvement strategies to lower your risk of damage. For example, to protect your home from the damages of hurricanes, install storm shutters, built a new safe room or install hurricane straps that will help to keep your roof securely in place when high winds blow.

Create a personal emergency kit

You should not wait until the last minute (when everyone else is scrambling around) to gather emergency supplies. Include the following items in your emergency kit: water, food, battery powered radio, flashlight, first aid kit and tarps for covering any potential damage to the roof or windows.

Being prepared for a storm or other disaster is not only smart, it will give you peace of mind. If needed, you can also find home insurance by contacting McCormick Insurance Inc. today.