You may be looking for various ways to save money for your business. As you look at things that you spend money on, you may start to wonder whether certain insurance premiums are necessary. Inland marine insurance may or may not be required. However, it’s always a good idea to have a policy so that your business is protected. Our agents at McCormick Insurance Inc. can go over why you should get the coverage.
Cover a Wide Range of Specialty Equipment
If your business ships products or equipment via shipping containers in Pembroke Pines, FL, it’s a good idea to explore inland marine insurance. You can get the coverage you need for computers, networking equipment, medical and scientific equipment, photography equipment, and more.
Whether you ship things back and forth for your own company regularly or you are a merchant, it could be beneficial to add this to your standard business insurance. This way, when the shipments are sitting inland and not being transported across the water, you have recourse if there is any kind of damage.
Special Coverage Levels
You can choose to add all sorts of coverage options based on who you are and what situation you’re dealing with. Consider:
- Builder’s risk
- Exhibition/fine art coverage
- Installation floater
- Bailee’s customer coverage
This way, if you have something in transit or on loan, it can be protected so that you’re not left on the hook for property that doesn’t even belong to your business.
You can be better protected by having this kind of insurance policy in Pembroke Pines, FL. This way, if there is damage, you have the ability to file a claim and get the money needed to replace the equipment or other property that has been affected.
Contact us at McCormick Insurance Inc. today to learn more about inland marine insurance premiums. We can customize a policy to meet your individual needs so that you have peace of mind all year long.