About McCormick Insurance Agency in Miramar, FL

Insurance is an essential part of your life, from your health to your final expenses. However, it's not always easy to understand the benefits of insurance. You keep health and auto insurance because these are required, or you get fines and penalties. But when you understand the basic concepts that all types of insurance share, it makes it easier to figure out exactly what you're getting out of your existing insurance and new insurance.

The basic concept of insurance is pooling together financial risk for a particularly activity. For example, with car insurance the insurance agency puts together risk pools based on how likely it is that accidents are going to occur, how much it would cost to repair the damage, and the amount of medical claims. Each person buying insurance pays a premium, as well as a deductible, which goes into the insurance claim pool. The insurance company wants to have more money coming in than they have to put out for payments.

Health insurance operates on the same principle, although it deals with many more variables. There are high risk pools that people who have preexisting conditions and other high costing medical issues go into, while healthier people balance out this pool to bring down the costs for everyone.

The deductible is the amount you end up paying for your part of the insurance costs. Once you've ended up paying the deductible, your insurance company pays the costs up to a particular maximum. The full amount they pay depends on the type of insurance you have, and the lifetime limits available. Insurance in Miramar, FL is subject to any regulation changes that may affect the coverage level.